Mochi's Muses

Biographies A -K

"No matter what painful things happens, even when it looks like you'll lose... when no one else in the world believes in you... when you don't even believe in yourself... I will believe in you!"

Ais Wallenstein

"Why does he always run away...?"

Akane Kinoshita

"So I wanted to be with him if something had happened. And when I couldn't reach him, I panicked. But... I'm glad he wasn't alone. I'm glad... He had a friend with him. Thank you..."

Akari Takashi

"I wasn't strong when it mattered, but I’m trying to be now...”


"Please don't say such words. Please don't say things like that! Lord Ainz. The merciful Lord Ainz, who stayed behind with us. Please! Please rule over us forever. I beg you from the bottom of my heart! Please! Please!"

Anne Halford

"I’m depending on you, Mr. Warrior Fairy ~"


"Remember though, that doesn't mean I'll stop hoping you'll live up to your promise...."


"It's hard for me to let people in, but you break down my walls as though they're made of paper. Thank you..."


"Little rough. Ruins my beautiful image. But it's fine for you guys."

Blake Belladonna

"I don’t understand how everyone can be so calm. Something big is happening and no one is doing anything about it. They’re out there—somewhere – planning their next move. And none of us know what it is, but it’s coming."

Byleth Eisner

"I sometimes feel I am grasping for a purpose in life. Perhaps someday I will know what it is."

Cana Alberona

"t doesn't matter if I don't become someone popular anymore and it doesn't matter if I can't tell my father how I feel. I don't care about any of that."

Draken / Ken Ryuguji

"When I looked into the sky, everything else became irrelevant to me."

Erza Scarlet

"I was once weak, I was always afraid, I hidden my tears, but I kept on going, I kept on believing, I followed my heart, I found my courage, and I realised if I hadn't believed in myself, then I wouldn't have become the person I am today..."

Fremy Speeddraw

"Liars always say the same thing. I'll believe in you. I'll protect you. I'll care about you — I'll never believe that again... No one will protect me. I won't even think about it. I'll fight alone, live alone and die alone."


“The past is merely the past...”


"Lord Tengen, after defeating an upper rank demon, let's withdraw from the front lines and live as normal people. "


"Oh fine, I confess! I’ll confess! I don’t particularly dislike you… That’s because you really struggle your hardest and you really fight your hardest, and somehow at the end of it you manage to escape defeat. That’s why, from now on, I shall be your Goddess of Victory. Hehe ~"


"Taking away someone’s freedom is the ugliest thing one can do in this world. People like that ought to decay into dirt and come back as thorny roses."


"You said... There were two conditions. What's... the other one?"


"You dare address an apprentice Holy Knight as "brat," huh?"


"I thought maybe you can love me like you used to — even though I’m different. But you changed too. So here’s to the new us."


"I am the wind, the free wind."

Kasumi Miwa

"Hello! Miwa the useless here. ~"

Kotoko Iwanaga

"In that case, as the one who saved your life, all I ask is that you remember me for life.."

Kougyoku Ren

"And you! It's not that I'm leaving because you told me to. Got it?!"

Kyo Sohma

"The thing is, if she didn't love all of me, that would've been fine. Or even if she were scared, I'd get that. Because being scared would've meant she was looking at the ugly part of me. But she never did..."

Kyouko Hori

"Everyone has a side of themselves they don’t want no one to see.."

Ais Wallenstein

ೃ⁀➷ Name: Ais Wallenstein.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Is it wrong to pick up girls in a Dungeon? /DanMachi.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 21.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Human.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: Divine Swords.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Monster Hunter.
ೃ⁀➷ Character quote: "Why does he always run away?"ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Ais is a mostly quiet person who has trouble expressing her feelings through words. Because of this, she is thought to be mysterious; however, she is actually mentally young, even visualizing a younger version of herself in certain situations. Although she is strong and fully capable, she is believed to be an airhead, namely due to her quiet nature. She is very strong-willed, doing everything to reach her goal to become even stronger. Any intentional perverted advances towards is usually responded to by violence.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Ais has been an adventurer as long as she could remember — she began fighting at the age of 7 as a support, working to grow more and more each day. Her childhood was changed drastically one day when she had lost her Mother when she was 6. All she had known for so long is that a 'Dragon' had murdered her. Any joy she once had in life had washed away and she had to take the next step in life with the fear of letting anyone in. Despite prioritizing finding this Dragon and becoming stronger, she doesn't strive to be a hero like most adventurer's, instead, she relies on vengeance of her Mother. It was a loss she never recovered from; however, she had learned that the Dragon she had been hunting all these years was Acnologia.As to why he killed her, it was something she would never understand. She grew a hatred for monsters, feeling as if all they did was destroy the lives of people who were just trying to live normal lives. Such a feeling had resulted in Ais developing an intense obsession with exterminating monsters that borders on the irrational side. She continues to kill as many Monsters as she can in hopes that o n e day will be worthy and strong enough to defeat Acnologia. The only person in her life that seems to help her level down is Bell as he had become someone that has helped her see life from a different perspective. She forgot how to smile, but with him it is something that has come in along the way. Now she is working on trying to see the world from a different perspective, but with everything that has happened with the demons, nearly losing her life and now unable to find Bell she isn't too sure what to expect with the days to come.

Bell Cranel

Relationship Status: Engaged.

After all the lights go down, I'm just the words you are the sound. A strange type of chemistry, how you've become a part of me.And when I sit alone at night, your thoughts burn through me like a fire. You're the only one who knows, who I really am.We all wanna be somebody, we just need a taste of who we are.

Akane Kinoshita

ೃ⁀➷ Name: Akane Kinoshita.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999!
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 21.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Human.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: N/A
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Student @ Belfiore Academy.
ೃ⁀➷ Character quote: "His parents are abroad... So I wanted to be with him if something had happened. And when I couldn't reach him, I panicked. But... I'm glad he wasn't alone. I'm glad... He had a friend with him. Thank you…”
ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Akane is a personable and vicarious individual who exudes a warm and welcoming essence. She makes it easy for others to approach her and have a conversation, especially when they need someone to talk to; despite this, she’s not afraid to express her opinions. At times, she may display a child-like disposition, but she is highly adaptable and can easily adjust to different situations around her. She feels when she is around friends that happen to be younger than her she makes an additional effort to be more mature and make the additional effort whether it be cooking for her friends or caring for them. Even though this is the case, when she drinks, she is a light-weight and embraces her childish demeanor even further. As much as she does her best to be open for those around her, she is still somewhat guarded and uncertain due to her insecurities. Being hurt, it’s difficult to open herself to others in fear that she would be hurt again. After being left by her ex, it has made her feel inadequate to be loved by anyone else.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Akane’s parents were always absent and yet when they were around they demanded so much of her. She wanted to take the brunt of her Parents words to help avoid her sisters having to go through with it. They wanted her to make a name for herself despite them failing to do so in their youthful years hoping that one of their daughters will. But seeing how her sisters wanted nothing to do with it and were dealing with their own trauma, they saw Akane as their only hope for their family, but their berating comments made her feel otherwise. Eventually the sisters she tried to protect had done the same, berating Akane if she didn’t become what her Parents asked then they would have to deal with it.They wanted her to drop out of school and leave for the Guilds to train to be a Paladin like her Great Grand-Father had, but she didn’t think it was obtainable for her. She was thin and clumsy in all the wrong ways. Most of all, it’s not what she wanted — she knew it in her heart. Akane was certain it wasn’t going to be right for her and her Parents had kicked her out of home when she was 15. At first it was hard, but she managed to find new ways to make money in Belfiore. It did mean she had to be homeless for a year, but working at one of the guilds cleaning floors and other janitorial work she was able to save up for her apartment. And luckily for her, they gave her a home until she could get on her feet. She wasn’t necessarily a Guild Member for Sabertooth, but she was able to help clean up their Guild as a part time gig for money. Luckily, it kept her with ample amount of work even now.By the time she turned 18, she was stable and starting her academic career at Belfiore Academy. She knew she enjoyed helping others and wanted to become a Teacher for adolescent children. Everything was looking up, especially when she met a man named Takuma Furukawa. Before she knew it, she had a boyfriend and even made a friend with a girl named Momoko Maeda. Everything seemed perfect until she had learned that her boyfriend of three years had been cheating on her for years with her best friend. Worst of all, she had walked in on them and learned of it. She was heartbroken, but she didn’t have very many friends to turn to. Instead, they spun the narrative and made it appear that Akane had cheated on her now “ex” boyfriend. She tried to ignore it, but it caused her a lot of grievances at school that weren’t ending any time soon for her.

Akari Takashi

ೃ⁀➷ Name: Akari Takashi.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Fairy Tail.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 21.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Human.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: Divine Swords.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Troubadour / Bartender @ Divine Swords.
ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Akari is often quiet around others — due to the strict life she lived with her Father and the hardship she faced. She tries to be more open with those around her, but finds herself closing off and focusing on her music; due to her voice, her Father was adamant to get her out and known to the public eye, but she continues to fear what the outcomes could be. . . Though she had built a name for herself in town and had grown a following, she still remains reserved. She's considered the 'Golden Girl' because of her status and her family, but feels stressed by having to live up to standards she feels has become harder to reach.
ೃ⁀➷ Character's quote: "I wasn't strong when it mattered, but I’m trying to be now.”ೃ⁀➷ Appearance: Akari has pink hair with her hair in subtle pigtails — she's of petite stature and only stands about 5'2; her skin is fair and her eyes are yellow.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Akari was very close to her Mother growing up and her Father was close to her older sister Aiko; just like her Father, she was always training to be the best she could be due to their familial connection with Divine Swords. She was preparing for the day that a sword would choose her and she could be a part of the Guild. At the time, Akari had no wish to fight and just wanted to sing — something her and her Mother enjoyed doing together. By the time she was 11, Aiko had received a blessing with one of the swords known as Alexander. After two years of wielding the blade, trouble had found their family.When Akari and her Mother were being taken home, their carriage went through the Goblin Forest where it never went, but for some reason it did today. Her Mother was murdered and tortured before her very eyes and the same had followed her, her right arm being completely torn from her body as she began to bleed out. It didn't matter how much they cried for help as no one had heard them, but miraculously her sister Aiko had arrived along with the Guild Master Jaehwa. They fought, but something had gone wrong and Aiko was killed in the process. Akari held on for dear life and Jaehwa ran to her side. When the threat was over, he tried to ease her pain knowing she was going to die as there was nothing he could do, but her will was strong.Alexander, no longer having a wielder decided to forge with her body and become her arm; her body was restored. This also meant that her life was tied with her sword and would feel the same pain as it would. Jaehwa never understood what had happened that day as Aiko refused to tell him, but had advised that her Mother and sister needed saving. He took her in his arms and brought her to Guild rather than her Father, who — after learning that his favorite daughter and wife had been killed, disowned Akari knowing she was the last to live. Unknown to her, it was her 'Father' that had hired the kill. Jaehwa was like a big brother / parental figure to her. She relied on him and continued to become stronger until she reached S RANK. Now, she continues to live out in the Guild and is the go to bartender of their Guild Hall.ೃ⁀➷ Abilities: Akari's mage abilities is that she's a Siren; she can control people with the tone of her voice and the songs that she sings — whether it's to evoke pleasure, pain, put someone to sleep or even trance them. Her voice could be to provide different feelings and uses. Combined with her blade Alexander, she's ability to use Gravity. Paired with her voice, it allows her to easily immobilize an enemy if put in that position. The handicap of her abilities is that she's tied to her sword unlike the other members -- when her sword is hit, she feels the pain and had to focus hard not to focus on it and use other powers to avoid clashing her sword too often, but she continues to practice this every day. . .

Kai Yokoyama

Relationship Status: In progress.

I've been broken, yeah, I know how it feels. To be open and then find out your love isn't real. I'm still hurting, yeah, I'm hurting inside. I'm so scared to fall in love, but if it's you, then I'll try.It's you, it's always you.


ೃ⁀➷ Name: Albedo.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Overlord.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: Unknown.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Ainzsexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Succubus.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: Nulla Reditus.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Overseerer/Guardian.
ೃ⁀➷ Character's quote: “Please don't say such words. Please don't say things like that! Lord Ainz. The merciful Lord Ainz, who stayed behind with us. Please! Please rule over us forever. I beg you from the bottom of my heart! Please! Please!”ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Due to the changes of her programming, Albedo is extremely dedicated and loyal to her master, Ainz. She is deeply in love with him and is not afraid to express her feelings for him. Because she is a succubus, she has a massive sex drive for him and wishes to be the one carrying his children.Her love for Ainz has reached to uncontrollable, obsessive levels, to the point where she has done questionable activities such as sleeping in his bed naked with a body pillow of him, as well as attempting to seduce him. As a result, Ainz often regrets his decision of programming her like this, but admitted that, had he not been an undead, he would have fallen for her charms.Despite her love, she claims that she has no problem with Ainz having an affair with multiple women, as long as she is the one he truly loves. Unknown to him, she secretly plans to make him the sole ruler of Nazarick, as she fears the day of losing him if it were to come. In addition to this, she despises the other Supreme Beings (including her creator) and the fact that her master uses the guild name to honor them, feeling that they do not deserve it after abandoning him.She normally has a calm and collected mind, but can easily snap and resort to harsh criticism and insults to those that she deems are disrespectful to her and Ainz. She has also shown to get easily jealous of those around her master. Two particular beings are Shalltear Bloodfallen and Pandora's Actor, the former being her rival for Ainz's affection and the latter being the only NPC that still has his master around.Albedo despises humanity, viewing them as a weak race that should perish. Due to this, she is able to kill them with no remorse, unless her master says otherwise.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: When Albedo was young she had always been utilized as property due to her being a succubus. She never had a say on who she could become or who she would be – instead, she was passed around and programmed to be what men had wanted her to be. There was something in her that made her feel betrayed by the world around her, an anger she couldn’t ignore. No matter what she had to do, she would abide, but it eventually had made her cruel. For a while, she had been a ‘stereotypical’ bitch to anyone that got close to her, but it wasn’t until she met Ainz that it all had changed. He saved her and gave her a helping hand when she didn't believe she was worth saving. She admired him and wanted to help make his dreams come true in what he had wanted to gain from Belfiore.Albedo didn't feel free in such a long time, but although Ainz had been the one to set her free she had wanted nothing more than to be ruled by him. Ainz was the only one to ever show her kindness, she had grown overly infatuated by him to the point that he was all she could think about and admire. It completely changed her personality – her only goal now was to make Ainz fall for her so she could have his children one day with him, despite how unreal this dream was. Although she is a part of Nulla Reditus and became an Overseer/Guardian – it still doesn’t change anything. Anything that is needed she would do – all she wants is to make him proud.Albedo doesn't need all that much from life than what she has now.

Anne Halford

ೃ⁀➷ Name: Anne Halford.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Sugar Apple Fairy Tale.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 21.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Human.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: N/A.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Owner of Sugar Apple Candy Shop.
ೃ⁀➷ Character Quote: "I’m depending on you, Mr. Warrior Fairy ~"ೃ⁀➷ Personality: [ESFJ] Anne is considered to be naive in the way that she looks at life. She doesn’t want to order anyone around, but would rather request assistance when needed. She has a kind nature and is not afraid to say anything when she feels that someone is doing wrong by another. She’s not a bystander and will not wait and watch to see something terrible happen to another. She embodies the teachings of her Mother in everything that she does and treats others how they’re supposed to be treated.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Life had changed for Anne when she had turned fifteen. She had lost her Mother who had been her only Family leaving Anne to navigate the rest of her life on her own. She lived in a relatively smaller city off the skirts of Belfiore where the only people she ever knew were in her town and not quite understanding what the world around her had to offer. She knew stories her Mother would tell her to make her less naive and that the world was not so scary, but there was one thing she couldn’t forget and that was in regards to slavery. It was a prominent thing that no one ever really talked about, but just because it wasn’t talked about didn’t mean it wasn’t there. She didn’t want her daughter to be too naive for when she had to go out in the world on her own or have her sold to ‘bad ’people. Without hesitation, after her Mother’s funeral, she decided to leave for the city and start a new business opening up a shop called Sweet Tooth. It wasn’t that easy at first since people didn’t trust her like they trusted her Mother, but she was able to make enough money and make her name in the community.It wasn’t just what her Mother had left behind for her, but also what she made on her own; she was in a financially good place. Not only was she making good money, but she did have an inheritance that helped her too. It made her a prime trophy and caused most men to want to take her hand in marriage. Being as small and weak as she was, she became more afraid of what could happen if these men continued to invade her shop. Now she’s trying to keep her business afloat while also trying to protect herself from the men who have been terrorizing her for years. She realized it got to the point that she felt like she would need to hire help for protection because if everything continued like that she wasn’t too sure she’d be able to keep things afloat. As she looked for a Guardian, she ended up at the edge of a Slave Trader’s doorstep and found someone that she could be: Shall Fen Shall — a warrior fairy. Although she had developed a mutual understanding with him, she still held onto his wing afraid that if she were to give it back he would leave her side. With how often she was in danger it was not something she could risk.

Shalle Fen Shalle

Relationship Status: Fake Fiancé.

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ೃ⁀➷ Name: Ayame.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Inuyasha.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 21.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Wolf-Demon.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: White Fang.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Northern Wolf Demon Tribe Leader.
ೃ⁀➷ Character Quote: "Remember though, that doesn't mean I'll stop hoping you'll live up to your promise...."ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Ayame is a very dutiful and dedicated person — she's not someone that would forget a promise and will hold you up to your word. She is very caring to those she loves and her tribe. Although she's young, she tries hard to be a figure worth admiring or looking up to. She is very prideful and makes her tribe first priority over herself.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Belfiore hadn't been a haven for those who had demon blood, even for her own tribe that had been of wolf-demon blood. The Elder in her tribe was killed along with many of her own by human hunters that didn’t like her kind. So many had died as there were only a few left that she could protect. She knew that she couldn’t manage her tribe alone as she was afraid that it was possible those Hunters would return. She knew of other tribes that were prominent in the forest and had found herself searching for someone that she could devote herself to and someone where their tribes can merge; however, it's been harder and harder for them seeing how no one has been all that safe for the hunters that search for them.After nearly losing her tribe and dying herself, she has felt inadequate as if she couldn't be the right leader for them. Ayame lives in a conflicting time of uncertainty and she is not completely sure where to go from here, but she knows that she has to do what she can to protect her tribe and wolf-demons all around. As she found herself in Belfiore looking for a possible Wolf-Tribe that was seen close by she discovers someone she had once known as Koga. Years ago someone had told her he was dead and she had believed it, despite it not being the case. By meeting with him, they decided that merging their tribes would be the way to protect those who still relied on her and could hopefully create a new future for themselves within this city.


Relationship Status: In progress.

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ೃ⁀➷ Name: Azura.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Fire Emblem: Fates.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 23.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Human.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: TBD.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Singer & Dancer for Brimstone Skye & Events / Dances part time at Moonlit Cabaret.
ೃ⁀➷ Character quote: "It's hard for me to let people in, but you break down my walls as though they're made of paper. Thank you...”ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Due to the heavy rejection, bullying, and discrimination she faced in her time as a princess in Nohr, and the distrust from some of the people in Hoshido due to said Nohrian ties, Azura developed a reserved and stoic personality, sprouting from her fear of provocation, persecution, and rejection, only opening up to people she is close to. This stoicism can sometimes cause herwords to hurt others' feelings without meaning to. She uses her bluntness rather than naiveté, as she is not afraid of telling someone what she thinks of them, and actually tries to help those she criticizes overcome a flaw or problem by pointing it out to them.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Azura was a Princess in a different Kingdom named 'Briviel Kingdom' who was brought into Belfiore by slave traders. With all the unkindness she had received in her home, she was then given away like she was property that would no longer benefit her home and sold off to slave traders. She knew their Kingdom was under going financial difficulties and with her denying an arranged marriage her family didn't see her to be a willing asset so selling her to slave trade appeared to be the best option for them. Azura was completely blindsided. During her time in slavery, she had endured additional abuse. It came to the point that she no longer trusted anyone and knew that this life would continue if she would allow it. Azura’s saving grace is when she was sold to a Master — she mustered all her strength to overcome him and the abuse she endured there.When she found an opportunity, she took it and managed to free herself from the shackles of this life. For the longest time she hid her face and identity in fear her Master or the slave traders she was sold to would find her and drag her back to that life. She eventually found Brimstone Skye & Events that was willing to hire her as it gave her a new chance in life. Everything began to change. She was great at what she did with singing and dancing, eventually growing a following for her performance to the point that people knew her and adored her. It was different from the life she led, but though her image was different and she could see how the people of Belfiore looked at her, she knew she would never be able to trust anyone getting too close to her in fear that the same betrayal would once more meet her and she’d find herself in a new position she wouldn’t be able to escape from again.


ೃ⁀➷ Name: Benimaru.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: TenSura / That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 25+ (But actual age unknown).
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Male.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Kijin
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: Tempest Guild.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Wanderer.
ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Benimaru, also known as Flare Lord or Scarlet Boy — has a carefree personality, mixed with confidence and excitement. Despite his rather relaxed persona, he's really cautious and cunning. He has no interest in serving anyone who he doesn't deem worthy, however, he doesn't belittle those weaker than him either. He's a natural born leader, feeling that he could help lead and be someone others could look for guidance. Though
he may be hesitant at first, he finds himself thriving in an environment that is geared by strength.
ೃ⁀➷ Character's quote: "Little rough. Ruins my beautiful image. But it's fine for you guys."ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Benimaru lived in a small village where he was King of the Ogres. It was the only place they could remain protected from the outside world. With the endless chaos within the world and the disgust he often endured for being different he felt that this was the only way he could protect them; however, he was met with a cruel reality one night when he was drawn out from his village to fight an incoming threat by humans. By the time he realized it was a trap and he ran back to his village, much of his mankind had been murdered and Village destroyed. That day destroyed Benimaru and he had lived with so much anger from it as he wanted to kill every last human for what they did.He took the survivors away as they began wandering and attempting to grow in strength. Still nameless, but unbearable angry. It wasn't until he met Lord Rimuru that it all began to change. He gave him a safe haven and a name — and slowly, he began to realize the anger he felt for most humans was small in comparison. He followed along Lord Rimuru's side and found his home in Tempest Guild as one of Lord Rimuru's most trusted subordinates. Although he thought he'd never belong, he found a home here and a purpose. He didn't mind having a Master because it brought him a whole new life that was a lot more exciting, plus a place to protect those that did survive. Benimaru didn't want to be King in the first place and felt that this direction was better for him.Being in power does allow him to live closer to his dreams in leading an army and achieving what is asked of him. For now, it's a matter of what the world of Belfiore will bring to him and help Lord Rimuru find other monsters that were cruelly kicked to the side like he once was.


Relationship Status: In progress.

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Blake Belladonna

ೃ⁀➷ Name: Blake Belladonna.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: RWBY.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 21.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Faunus.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: White Fang.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Guild Master of The White Fang.
ೃ⁀➷ Character Quote: "I don’t understand how everyone can be so calm. Something big is happening and no one is doing anything about it. They’re OUT there—somewhere – planning their next move. And NONE of us know what it is, but it’s coming."ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Blake is rather mellow in her demeanor. She displays a cool, reserved, and serious personality most of the time, but doesn't lack a humorous side, which is usually in the form of dry wit and sarcasm. Blake is a righteous person, respecting other people's lives regardless of whether they are Faunus or not. She strongly despises those who judge and discriminate based on racial prejudice. Blake is outspoken when it matters, despite her generally quiet demeanor and she can be surprisingly charismatic.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Blake had followed in her Father's footsteps when it came to The White Fang. The intention of the White Fang had always been about peace and unity. She had dreams of making that same dream come true. It was intended to build a cordial relationship between humans and faunus. Ghira Belladonna, Blake’s late Father, had been the original leader of White Fang. During this time, another who goes by the name Adam Taurus had built a new movement inside their ranks. His intention was to destroy the very humans he felt outcasted and shamed by. He created a rebellion that others began to follow and even at one point Blake felt compelled to follow him since she was his girlfriend. After the rebellion, White Fang was known for terrorizing human society and not unifying it. It wasn't until her Father was found dead that she realized that this group was not what she wanted to be apart of it. She had her suspicions that it was Adam, but was never for certain if he had or if he had given the order. He completely pulled her from her family. For so long, Blake was blinded by what was really happening.One night, she had left the White Fang and Adam, refusing to return before she ran off to Belfiore City. She knew she had done more about it, but with losing her Father and her Mother leaving the home they grew up to start a new life. She was still conflicted for not speaking with her Mother in fear that she felt at fault for her Father's death. It was a relationship she wished to rectify, but knew she couldn't until she would find her. The friction for humans and anything non-human still existed, but she wanted to take that chance to unify them once more. She wanted to follow her Father’s path – build a world worth being proud of. Thus, she created the White Fang in Belfiore to restore its name and original purpose. Now she leads a path that is her own, still trying to repent for her wrong doings and hoping she can see her Mother again so she can apologize.

Sun Wukong

Relationship Status: Taken.

Ipsum dolore consequat sed amet feugiat nisl sed amet tempus dolor adipiscing nulla tempus.

Byleth Eisner

ೃ⁀➷ Name: Byleth, The Ashen Demon.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 25.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Human.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: Divine Swords.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Professor / Ex-Mercenary.
ೃ⁀➷ Character Quote: “When I was a mercenary, I rarely got too close to anyone. That all changed when I became a Professor.”ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Byleth has a very subdued personality and has difficulty expressing emotion. As a newborn, she neither laughed nor cried. She tends to be expressionless, but may show a bit of joy with a simple smile. The lack of expressions has nothing to do with her being able to feel. Instead, she's been sheltered because Jeralt(Her Father) had kept a lot of information from her. There is so much she still needs to learn in how to express and communicate with other people.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Byleth was born to her parents Jeralt and Sitri, but had lost her Mother shortly after she was born. Life with her Father was void of information. He didn't talk about the world much with her and left her withdrawn. It was difficult for Byleth to create meaningful relationships with people because she didn't know how to connect as she didn't even know how to connect with her Father seeing how her Mother passed when she was young. She didn't ever know little things about herself like her own birthdate. As she grew up, Jeralt trained her in combat, eventually joining his band of mercenaries and gaining a fearsome reputation for their unflinching courage in battle. She would soon be known as the 𝑨𝑺𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑫𝑬𝑴𝑶𝑵 as a result of the life she lived as a Mercenary.That soon began to change in early 20s when she left her mercenary life behind by encouragement from her Father. He wanted her to connect with people and had finally realized that he kept her from living a normal life. Leaving her mercenary life behind, she went to school and slowly began to broaden her edcuation, but it wasn't until a new position opened up in that very school looking for someone who could teach Military Stratedgy and combat she eventually took the role and became a Professor at Belfiore University. It allowed her communicate with people and her students on a new level to help broaden her horizons.As time went on, she began to realize there was much bigger conflicts going on in this world — and a rivalry between many guilds. She found herself helping her students not only in class, but with their Guilds and decisions that would best help them for the future to come. During the Bell of Fiore when stratedgy had hit, her Father was caught in the chaos and was killed when part of a building had fallen on him. Byleth felt useless that she couldn't save him and was forced to watch him die in her arms, unable to help him. She's trying to understand this world and maneuver through it in her own way, but life has a way of getting her down once more.

Cana Alberona

ೃ⁀➷ Name: Cana Alberona.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Fairy Tail.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 23.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Human.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: Fairy Tail.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Mage / Wanderer / Drunk Enthusiast.
ೃ⁀➷ Character Quote: “It doesn't matter if I don't become an S-Class Mage anymore and it doesn't matter if I can't tell my father how I feel. I don't care about any of that. I just want to protect my friends."ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Cana has a great love for alcoholic beverages-and a strong alcoholic resistance- such that it borders on addiction. Oftentimes, she is often seen drinking directly from a large beer barrel. She started drinking at the age of thirteen, two years before the legal age, and the frequency of her drinking has grown to the point where thirty percent of Fairy Tail's liquor budget goes down her throat. Despite her drinking and somewhat laid-back attitude, Cana is one of the more serious members of the guild: she hardly ever goofs off (except when she's drinking), unlike the majority of the other members.She is very focused on the situation at hand. She seems to harbor some romantic feelings for Macao Conbolt (Cana's drinking buddy) as when he suggested she cut down a bit she did so. But when she discovered he had a new girlfriend, she returned to drinking and even doubled her quantity. In the guild itself, Cana often assumes leadership in dire situations, such as during the fight against Phantom Lord, and assesses situations in a logical manner. She is extremely loyal to the guild and its members, regardless of how new they are or what their background may be.In addition, Cana always stands up for her dreams (to become an S-Class Mage) and is rather tenacious, as shown when she attacked Fried, despite being unable to defeat him in the past, without hesitation during their S-Class Mage Promotion Trial battle. However, the S-Class exam showed another side of her. She demonstrated a very selfish side, one which was willing to betray her teammates to become an S-Class Mage.This goal and selfishness of hers caused her to even put her own guildmates in peril. This desperation actually stemmed from her desire to confess to her father. However, upon realizing her mistake she became deeply depressed and tried to rectify her mistake. In addition, Cana easily harbors guilt over hurting a fellow guild member, this was shown when Mavis asked her to destroy her ethereal body. Despite the fact Cana knew that it was for the greater good, she showed hesitance throughout the process, and had to be reminded by Mavis that it could change the outcome of the war.As a child, she didn't have much interest in drinking and she was much more mature than the other young members of the guild, acting like an older sister figure to them.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: When Cana was younger, she had been taken to the ‘Tower of Heaven’ along with other children her age where they were being utilized as a blood bank. That was when she had first met her Father during the rescue mission that had gotten them out of there and spoiled Ferid’s plans. She was able to live a relatively calm life again in the guild Fairy Tail, building friendships along the way., Cana knew her Mother Cornelia, but hadn’t seen her in years. And although she revealed herself to be Gildarts daughter, their relationship was always hit or miss. It even got to the point that she wanted to be alone and be on her own for awhile. One day she had taken a mission at Fairy Tail and had never returned. Unbeknownst to anyone, Cana had been taken after completing her mission. She was sent to an underground prison in Belfiore where she was set up to slave away for the next 11 months. Now with the Rescue Mission in play, she wasn’t sure what to expect of the coming days.

Draken / Ken Ryuguji

ೃ⁀➷ Name: Draken l Ken Ryuguji.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Tokyo Revengers.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 24.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Male.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Human.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: Toman Guild.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Employee at Bordello Brothel in Bordello Avenue.
ೃ⁀➷ Character Quote: “When someone gives you an inch, don’t take a mile you moron.”ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Like the president, vice-president Draken is also quite the wild individual. He loves a good fight and relishes meeting strong opponents. He is rude to those he considers beneath him and makes it clear he does not like them.Unlike Mikey, Draken is the more mature and logical of the two. When the two are being scolded in the hospital by the father of a girl who was assaulted by Moebius, Draken is the one who forces Mikey down to apologize, understanding the man's rage and that it was better to receive his anger without a word than to try and defend themselves. When Pah-chin decides to take the fall and responsibility for Toman by deliberately getting arrested, Mikey tries to get Pah-chin to run. However, Draken stops him, saying that it is the right thing for Pah-chin to do. There are times when Draken's anger gets the best of him, though, and he lashes out in rage.Draken is also a very caring individual. He hates overtly showing affection to the ones he cares about but will go to great lengths to take care of Mikey. He puts up with Mikey's antics and values him as a close friend, carries Mikey around when he falls asleep, takes him to eat his favorite foods, and wakes him up every morning for school. In addition, he gave Emma a plushie for her birthday, and Emma notes that it was one that she had been wanting for a while.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Draken was born in Belfiore’s red light district. He never knew his father, and his mother was a prostitute who abandoned him at birth and died when he was two years old. He was dropped at the doorstep of Bordello Brotherl where the women there had taken him in as if he was their child. It wasn't the most healthy environment, but he actually felt cared about when growing up. Draken had a hard life as a kid always getting into trouble and that had to do with the lack of supervision from his new 'family'. They all kept a close eye on him, but at the same time they didn't pay attention to the mischief he was causing with his makeshift gang.Although he was still a minor, he got a tattoo on his head of a dragon. He became a bit famous and feared within the town at a young age for the trouble he was constantly causing and knowing how to hold his own, but when there were others who managed to beat him it was at that moment he found friendship in another boy named Mikey. It was a friendship that continued on until they were older, eventually following him when he opened the doors to Toman Guild. Most of his life and personality surrounded around the Guild as it’s his family along with all those he had met in the Red Light District has become his family, regardless of it being unconventional.

Erza Scarlet

ೃ⁀➷ Name: Erza Scarlet.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Fairy Tail.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 21.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Human.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: Fairy Tail.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: S-Rank / Guild Member.
ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Erza is a very strict person, often criticizing the bad behavior and habits of the other guild members, causing most of them to apologize, fearing that they might invoke her wrath. _When she enters a room — she demands respect. She is also very impatient, disliking people who don't answer her questions quickly enough. She is a natural born leader and often keeps order among the Guild.ೃ⁀➷ Character's quote: “A strong person is not the one who doesn’t cry. A strong person is the one who cries and sheds tears for a moment, then gets up and fights again."ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Erza Scarlet's life had emerged similarly to the one she lived prior. She found herself in a small Village, but didn't have any parental figures. _There were people she adored and looked up to, but no one that really took the place as a parent. All the people and friends she had during that village were either murdered or taken away just like she was and made to be a slave. She lived in a cell with only the dirt to sleep on and ragged clothes to keep her warm. You have worked for your entire life as seen by Grandpa Rob who did his best to nurture the children.Torture was daily and she even found herself being whipped and beaten for not working. She had even lost an eye during her time as a slave, but once she discovered her magic she was able to pull away from the cult that restrained her — even saving other children who looked up to her. She had never forgotten one slave who mentioned Fairy Tail. For some reason, it called to her like a distant memory as she found herself taking on this new life and even becoming the youngest person to obtain S-Rank in Fairy Tail. She was even thankful for the prior Master Makarov as he was able to take her to have her eye healed. Now she lives a content life in Belfiore, always off on missions, but that's about to change now that she's on her way home. You can win her heart by feeding her strawberry cake and soufflé.

Jellal Fernandes

Relationship Status: Taken.

Ipsum dolore consequat sed amet feugiat nisl sed amet tempus dolor adipiscing nulla tempus.

fremy Speeddraw

ೃ⁀➷ Name: Flamie / Fremy Speeddraw.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Rokka No Yuusha.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 21.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Half Human/Half Kyouma(Demon)
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: Boar Hat.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Monster Hunter.
ೃ⁀➷ Character's Quote: "Liars always say the same thing. I'll believe in you. I'll protect you. I'll care about you — I'll never believe that again... No one will protect me. I won't even think about it. I'll fight alone, live alone and die alone. I know I've felt it on my skin and in my body. That it's better not to believe in anyone than believe and be betrayed!"ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Flamie initially comes off as a girl who's cool
indifference will not allow other people to get close to her. She has trouble trusting people because of the horrible betrayal she suffered in the past, and is scared of being hurt again. Deep inside, however, there are still glimpses of her original personality, a very kind and caring girl, but only see with those that can break through her barrier; she's relatively timid and unsure how to interact with other people due to being raised by Kyouma as it disconnects from the human race. While Flamie is very intelligent and good at analyzing situations and people, she lacks a lot of common knowledge from the human world due to her origins.
ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Fremy was born to a human Father and a Kyouma Mother. She never knew her Father as he was killed when she was born for being a human. She lived with her Mother and other Kyouma that helped raise her and forced her to fight along side of them. She was used more of a pawn, forced to kill humans. Fremy did her best to always listen and obey, despite how desensitized she began to feel of it all. She felt used by the demons to kill humans and it was even more cruel because she was half. Fremy didn't understand why she was forced to do what she had to and it became to slowly weigh on her. She wanted to feel like she belonged, but because she was seen as a half breed then just couldn't ever accept her. She knew she had to prove herself if they were ever going to accept her.Fremy was sent on a new mission where she had to kill a human village, but faced with human families and children that didn't do anything wrong she felt too guilty to pursue and ended up turning back. The Kyouma ended up going themselves and killing the whole village and forcing her to watch before turning around on her and saying she wasn't one of the them. They locked her up for weeks, torturing her and even going as far to cut off her horn. They knew she was chosen to be their Saint of Gundpowder, but they just couldn't accept her. Becoming more frail, she realized she was able to pull herself from her chains and run away from them. She went as far as she could where she knew they would never be able to find her. The only thing she figured she could do was separate herself from the world, hide the part of herself she refused other to see and walk this path alone, never caring how lonely it may be.


ೃ⁀➷ Name: Gilthunder.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Seven Deadly Sins.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 23.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Male.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Human.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: Belfiore Knights.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Knight.
ೃ⁀➷ Character Quote: “The past is merely the past...”ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Gilthunder was a seemingly cold and cruel individual, however that had begun to change as time continued. He had revenge in his heart as he believed that his Father was killed by the Seven Deadly Sins and wished to seek them out to avenge his Father. In his childhood, Gilthunder was a sweet and friendly child, especially towards the Seven Deadly Sins. Specifically Meliodas, who trained him in the art of swordsmanship before turning dark after the Seven Deadly Sins were accused of killing his father. The only way he felt like he could get back at those who harmed his family was by joining the Belfiore Knights. At times, the kindness in his heart is there, but it has been fueled by his hate and following orders that were requested of him.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Gilthunder has lost his Father at a young age under mysterious circumstances and had yearned for answers; however, he was far too young to really understand what had happened or even why it did. He wanted to make him proud and by doing so, he focused on how he could get stronger and find out who had taken his Father from him. He eventually met a man who was older than him and was willing to train Gilthunder into a Knight though he was unaware of the army they were building or what a Belfiore Knight implied. Without proper guidance, he was impressionable. They made him believe that the demons were bad and they were the ones who had killed his Father. Due to the fact that he believed ‘demons’ were essentially the cause of his Father’s death and the state of the world, he found that this was the only way for his cause to enact the vengeance that grew within him.For the longest time, he believed the Belfiore Knights were doing good and trying to help the people, but the more he followed this path the more he began to realize so much didn't make sense anymore. What he was asked to do didn't match his heart or the person his Father had always wanted him to be. He was confused by what he was asked to do and that had reached a climatic point during the masquerade ball — The Bell of Fiore. When he was asked to capture these people despite the chaos that was happening, he prioritized saving them and getting them to safety.Now that the Belfiore Knights were disbanded and defeated, he became a Knight for Hire and is just focusing on where his life will go from here. No longer caring about vengeance, but looking towards the future.

Margaret Liones

Relationship Status: In progress.

Ipsum dolore consequat sed amet feugiat nisl sed amet tempus dolor adipiscing nulla tempus.


ೃ⁀➷ Name: Hinatsuru.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Demon Slayer.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 21.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Human.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: Akatsuki.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Ninja / Works as undercover Waitress at the Wasteland Brothel.
ೃ⁀➷ Character Quote: "Lord Tengen, after defeating an upper rank demon, let's withdraw from the front lines and live as normal people. "ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Hinatsuru is a calm, patient and incredibly kind individual. Additionally, she is strategic and fearless during battle situations. She always thinks ahead regarding the situation she's in and gives love for those that she deems near to her heart.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Hinatsuru learned at a young age that she couldn't rely on anyone and had to pave a path for herself. It's part of why Hinatsuru worked at the Belfiore Orphanage providing care for children; however at night, she's a waitress for the Wasteland Brothel where she is often undercover trying to find the slave traders and traffickers in Belfiore. She had created a safe haven for women who were battered or solve into slavery in hopes to keep them protected. She has been known to give women a home to hide away. She often helps with building new identities for them and getting them towards an area where they can't be located and can have a fresh start from the lives that had once lived.Some of the women she provides safety to may be with her for a period of time due to the constant activity of slave-traders and trying to get them established where they won't fall back into the same theme that they had before. Although she had been doing this for years, she had found herself in trouble with the Belfiore Knights as if she had been ruining their operations for awhile. So in response, she had found herself on the Bounty Board and being hunted. Rumors began to say she had been running a slave trade or a sex-ring of some kind which hadn't been the truth. Due to these false claims, she had been running ever since and keeping touch from afar to make sure the safety she had provided women hadn't been compromised.

Uzui Tengen

Relationship Status: In progress.

I don't wanna be without you. I just wanna be the one to — give you all you need, I got you. I wanna stay by your side.


ೃ⁀➷ Name: Ishtar.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Fate/Grand Order.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: Physically 18, but around 1,000+ years old.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Pseudo-Servant/Human.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: N/A.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Owner/Dancer @ Brimstone Skye & Events.
ೃ⁀➷ Character Quote: “Oh fine, I confess! I’ll confess! I don’t particularly dislike you… That’s because you really struggle your hardest and you really fight your hardest, and somehow at the end of it you manage to escape defeat. That’s why, from now on, I shall be your Goddess of Victory. Hehe ~ Be prepared. I’m not letting go of you even if you try to escape to the furthest reaches of the netherworld.”ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Since Ishtar is egotistical, she behaves without paying any regard to the possessed human, but her nature is receiving a big influence from the human that was possessed. Originally, Ishtar is both deeply compassionate and cruel, but because the personality of the possessed human is more virtuous, her cruelty has retreated to the bottom of her heart, and her good side appears to have come out ahead of it.Active and extroverted. The goddess of war and good harvests that lives according to her own whims without being a slave to her own fixed position, all while having high intelligence and pride. Ishtar loves beautiful things, hates ugly things, and the things she desires are the things she absolutely takes hold of in her own hands. Even though she is smart, she is impulsive, and sometimes leaves with an unthinkable reckless abandon. In myths, Ishtar is commented by Gilgamesh as thus: “Inanna? Isn’t she the most annoying goddess in the world!? She will destroy something that certainly doesn’t need to be destroyed, and she will also create something that doesn’t need to be created!” If Ishtar becomes ostentatious in this world, then surely in that way, she will invite chaos simultaneously.The root of Ishtar’s personality does not have any changes even when materialized as a Servant. It cannot be helped that Rin, who is the possessed vessel, almost has the same nature as Ishtar’s as well. However, there is one thing that Rin has that Ishtar doesn’t. That is “patience”. Rin is a hardworking person who is not negligent in her training even though she is a genius. She knows patience, which appears to be giving a little influence on this Ishtar. Incidentally, Rin became independent after losing her father when she was very young, while Ishtar behaved like a spoiled child up to the very end towards her almighty father.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Ishtar is simply out here to cause chaos. She had been inhabiting a human girl’s body named Rin Tohsoka, but had found herself in Belfiore to see the world she was in. She was much more alert than most people in Belfiore and had found herself learning to enjoy more human attributes that she couldn’t get before. No longer a Servant to another, she is able to act freely. She hasn’t found her place in this city other than enjoying working Stellar Burlesque as an Exotic Dancer. It was one of the places she felt like she could meet the most men though she didn’t find them that all too appealing, but she was a frightening Goddess to turn on when being rejected. It was definitely not something someone wanted to do for the mere repercussions that could come after it. She didn’t have much of a goal in mind other than exploring and giving others she’s friends with a hard time along the way.


ೃ⁀➷ Name: Jae-ha.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Yona of the Dawn.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 25.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Male.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Bisexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Human/Dragon.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: Dragon Wings.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Pirate.
ೃ⁀➷ Character's quote: "Taking away someone’s freedom is the ugliest thing one can do in this world. People like that ought to decay into dirt and come back as thorny roses.”ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Jae-Ha is a laid-back, vain, bold, confident, persistent, flamboyant, womanizer, and an observant man who takes pride in his looks and enjoys the beautiful things in life. He has the tendency to chase after something he believes to be beautiful and outwardly display his masochistic nature when someone hurts him lightheartedly, much to the annoyance of some of his companions. Behind these antics, however, he hates being pursued and values freedom more than anything. His particularity with liberty deeply stems from how he was treated in his village when he was young which caused him to be defiant and troublesome by nature. He had his legs and arms chained, stopping him from using his powers recklessly, he relishes the freedom that his power and circumstances allow him.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: There was a story in his village about the one that is born with a limb of a Dragon would one day bring destruction down on those around him and the world as it stands. Being a child, Jae-ha didn't understand the story or what it would entail. He couldn't understand why he had to be different than everyone around him. His parents wanted nothing to do with him as they feared what he could eventually do. The villagers were the same in the way the looked at him. Chains is all Jae-ha has known. From a young age, his leg was considered an abomination and his tale had only worried the people of his village. It was agreed on to keep him restrained and out of the eyes of others, but that made him suffer. If he were to get away, they feared what he may do as they felt they couldn't trust him.Despite the years of being imprisoned, he never had wished to obey but had only wanted to be free. He was beaten and fed little, but no one had the bravery to take his life in fear that something would retaliate on them. Finally, he had bested the village and found his way to freedom as the strength of his dragon leg was finally his saving grace now that he was much older. It aided him in jumping far away from this place to live a life that he had yearned for. He refused to ever be constrained again; however, the only exception he allowed to be apart of was the Dragon Wings as long as he could come and go as he pleased.Upon leaving the past behind him, he focused on how he could help better Belfiore by investigating the slave traders and sex traffickers that are hiding. He used his charm to sleep with all the suspected men's wives to get the answers he was looking for in hopes to bring down a detrimental ring that is plaguing Belfiore.

Jeanne, The Hellfire Witch

ೃ⁀➷ Name: Jeanne, The Hellfire Witch.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: The Case Study of Vanitas.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 100+ years (appears approx. 19).
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Vampire.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: White Fang.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Vampire/Curse Hunter.
ೃ⁀➷ Character's quote: "You said... There were two conditions. What's... the other one?"ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Jeanne is initially presented as a ruthless fighter, but is easily weakened with threats to those she wants to protect — refusing to battle if their life is in danger. She carries mannerisms that could be seen as violent over small matters (for example, don't insult her pastry making!), but she also remains determined no matter how miniscule the affair is. Jeanne's life of enslavement left her naïve and with the h e a r t of a maiden. She does not know much about the world around her and may even dismiss flirting towards her that she feels is from someone of higher class. Jeanne doesn't know how to balance her feelings or her opinions of others, instead she falls on either hating or loving the person in question.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Jeanne doesn't remember much about her young life. She was adopted and cared for by her new parents Eric and Louise — finding herself traveling and learning from them and her teacher, August Ruthven. From that moment, she lived relatively happy until everything began to change and that life was soon diminished. Her adopted parents were told to be conspirators and traitors to her teacher August and they were beheaded right in front of her. She was traumatized, but listed to work for Lord Ruthven only to be utilized as a tool. She didn't forget it. When serving him, she turned on her own squad and killed them all. With Jeanne's execution pending, Lord Ruthven took responsibility for her and put her into a slumber.Upon waking, she realized that she wasn't like most vampires and had a curse that made it difficult to control her need to feed, but used medication to try and suppress it. Now with her 'Teacher' missing, she finds herself going through Belfiore and having a hard time to control herself. She had encountered Alucard, who in turn took the place of her Teacher — allowing her to explore her need for bloodlust and withholding her when needed to avoid her from harming a human. Although her intentions were to kill other uncontrolled vampires, now she is mixed with both, still earning her the name — The 𝑯𝑬𝑳𝑳𝑭𝑰𝑹𝑬 𝑾𝑰𝑻𝑪𝑯. In this world she wishes for freedom. For if she were to fully lose herself to this curse, she would want nothing more than to be put to death.
a mystery.


ೃ⁀➷ Name: Jericho.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Nanatsu no Taizai.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 20.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Human.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: Sabertooth.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Knight.
ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Jericho is a proud and serious individual who desires to prove herself as a knight. She is stern in her command and confident in her abilities to the point of arrogance at times, which in the event of being successfully challenged by the right person could easily lead to humiliation for her. Jericho's self esteem is low and always feels that she needs to work harder because she's a woman and therefore looked at poorly by her male colleagues. She dresses to avoid ridicule and at times, to appear more masculine. Other characteristics is that she's at times rash and impulsive and despite being selfish, may still go way out of her way to help others; she's relatively easy-going, easily flustered and loyal to the people she cares about.ೃ⁀➷ Character's quote: "Listen up! With my height and this chest, I'm a way better match for Ban than a flat-chest puny girl like you! Not only that, but... I owe Ban my life! I'll do anything for Ban's sake! The thing is, I would never do anything that would hurt the guy I love! Never! Even so... There's no one else for Ban, but you. Asleep or awake, you're all he thinks about. He's given everything to wander all over the place, just so he can bring y o u back to life! Controlled? Like I care! You keep saying you love Ban, but you're being so easily controlled right now!"ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Jericho grew up in a fairly strict family of Knights. She wanted to also be a Knight, but was often seen as less than or could never amount to much because she was a woman. As a child, she would often argue with her brother Gustaf that she wanted to be a Knight too — but in turn, she was warranted with negative responses which had only determined her more. She fought hard to become a Knight in hopes to make her family proud to show that she was able to accomplish what most men in her family could accomplish. She met a Holy Knight who was willing to train her to be strong and it eventually had led to her being Knighted; however, she was sent to The Wargate Prison where she became a guard, rather than a member of the Belfiore Gate or a Knight that would protect her country.Although her brother Gustaf had passed now, the negative words he shot her way and the excessive requests for her to give up lived on with her. Now being at Wargate Tower, she felt punished as if her accomplishments were worth nothing. Others had feared her authority as she was a force to be reckoned with and wanted to make the best of it. For this, she holds a lot of resentment and is often lonely — eager for trouble to brew so she can show what she's capable of.Life changed when she met Ban at the Wargate Tower as he managed to find his way to escape on her. Refusing to let him get away, she found herself locked up and plummeting to the ground only to come across a new truth. Before her brother had died, he had ordered the Knights to kill her if anything would have happened to him. He didn't die because of her, but he had told everyone that if he had ever died, she would be the cause due to her jealously. It was his last way or bringing her down once more. Jericho had found herself nearly almost being killed by the Knights that she worked with and had found herself going on the run with Ban.It caused her to be a bounty, but something about being next to Ban and in trouble with him had made her feel more alive than she could put into words.


ೃ⁀➷ Name: Jinx.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Arcane.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 18.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Human.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: Nulla Reditus.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Trouble for Hire.
ೃ⁀➷ Character Quote: “I thought maybe you can love me like you used to — even though I’m different. But you changed too. So here’s to the new us.”ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Criminally insane, Jinx has a love for wanton chaos, destruction, and anarchy, and gets easily bored if these reckless urges are left unsatisfied for too long. Jinx isn't shown to think much about the consequences of her behavior and generally acts before thinking, which can lead to people getting hurt easily when around Jinx. While she is clearly a gifted inventor, Jinx is also extremely scatterbrained, forgetting scientific terms and instead imitating gun noises while she constructs her weapons.Jinx is often portrayed to be hyperactive and very childish, complaining when she doesn't get what she wants and calling others by immature names, giving Vi nicknames such as "Fat-Hands" and "Stupid". With her carefree, self-centered attitude, Jinx doesn't care about money, order, or what others think about her and just destroys what she wants when she wants. Despite this, she still likes to get recognition for her many crimes and is capable of showing off to the Belfiore police, knowing that no matter what goes down, she will always get away.Despite her immature and silly demeanor, Jinx is still a significant force of evil and malice, even if in her crazed mind she sees it as a game. She murders indiscriminately and without a second's hesitation, causes mass destruction regularly, and if her dreams are anything to go by, also harbors a desire for the complete destruction of everyone and everything. Jinx has killed countless people, either directly murdering them herself or indirectly as collateral from all the chaos and havoc she causes.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Jinx was abandoned by her sister Vi when she was 10 after she had accidently intervened with a mission that led to the death of their 'Dad' and friends. After her sister left, she had found herself being dragged away to the Underground where she was forced to work as a slave. She had encountered endless abuse by the hands of the Knights as she had to continue working under poor conditions. It made her feel so much hate.She managed to make bombs were scraps that she could find and plotting them in areas where she knew the Knights would be. She ended up blowing them up and using that chance to escape. She lived in the Underground for awhile, hiding and trying to get by. Whenever she doesn't like something, it gives her the chance to sneak another bomb around Belfiore and cause chaos. Luckily for her, she managed to stay out of the sight of authorities and cause most chaos within the shadows.The only other place she had found Solace was Nulla Reditus. She finally felt like she was apart of a community that understood her and it gave her a reason to keep on, only returning to take on missions when her Guild Master requests it. Jinx had found herself more in Calabria, living in the quiet ghost city with a few men that surprisingly follow her orders. Anyone that stumbles towards her is used as experiments for her new toys to see what they could do. Anytime she sees another pink haired prisoner, she thinks it's her sister and at times finds herself wanting to enact more pain on those who remind her of the sister that abandoned her. Still, regardless of what was said, she still yearns for her affections.


ೃ⁀➷ Name: Kagura.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Inuyasha.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 24.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Demon.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: N/A.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation:
ೃ⁀➷ Character Quote:ೃ⁀➷ Personality:ೃ⁀➷ Biography:

Kasumi Miwa

ೃ⁀➷ Name: Kasumi Miwa.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Jujutsu Kaisen.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 21.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Human.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: The Sorcery.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Student at Belfiore Academy & Waitress at the All Blue.
ೃ⁀➷ Character Quote: “Hello! Miwa the Useless here ~”ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Kasumi is a kind hearted, hard-working girl who isn't as jaded as some of her classmates. She's much more restrained, down to earth, and behaves otherwise normally. Kasumi wants to be a sorcerer to make money and is a fan of famous sorcerers like Satoru Gojo. The reason she tries so hard to succeed at Sorcery is because she wants to support her two younger brothers, showing her caring and steadfast attitude. She constantly calls herself useless and genuinely fears that her weakness causes trouble for others trying to protect her. Kasumi admits to grabbing her sword tightly out of fear of dying; however, with the right motivation, she is willing to risk her life against a stronger enemy.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: For the longest time it was just Kasumi, her Mom and her two brothers. Her Father had left the family when she was at a young age and her Mother was left to care for them all on her own. It made her resentful and asking for Kasumi to take more of the brunt work on helping her around the house seeing that she was older; however, Kasumi's Mother's resentful nature began to be directed at her much more. Due to her father having blue hair, Kasumi's Mother would actively dye Kasumi's hair black as she wanted no reminder of her husband. Eventually, it became too hard to keep up with and her Mother had one day left Kasumi with her siblings to start a life of her own. It was something she never understood as to why it had happened to her, but it did.No matter how hard she tried to find her Mom, there was nothing she could do and instead of being sent to an orphanage, she worked on working several jobs to care for her brothers. She had to work odd jobs her whole life in hopes that she could provide a better life for her siblings. Kasumi still finds herself going to school and working whenever she's not studying. Most of her jobs consist of being a waitress at the All Blue — and yet, her current choice of job hasn’t really made her bitter. She doesn’t always feel like she’s doing a good job, but the connections she gets to make with customers is something she really enjoys. Knowing that she’s creating a good life for her siblings is all she could really hope for since it was not something she was able to obtain for herself.Kasumi still feels useless no matter what she does as if she’ll never be good enough, but she wants to be strong enough to protect those weaker than her. One day she hopes that she’d be a great Jujutsu Sorcerer, but now it’s all about practicing and hopes to build a future worth living and staying afloat. She had been too focused on the happiness of others for far too long that she has hardly allowed much for herself.

Gojo Satoru

Relationship Status: In progress.

Life, an ocean, keeps pulling your anchor down. Deep in darkness and you can't hear a sound. But I promise there is a light at the end of this long ride. This time I know you'll be alright — 'cause I'm standing at your side. 'Cause when you feel like you've been falling.Hold on to me.

Kotoko Iwanaga

ೃ⁀➷ Name: Kotoko Iwanaga.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Kyokou Suiri.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 21.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Human.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: The Sorcery.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Traveling Medium.
ೃ⁀➷ Character Quote: “In that case, as the one who saved your life, all I ask is that you remember me for life.”ೃ⁀➷ Personality: She has a very outgoing personality and always makes an effort to find the root of any problem, especially when she has the help of yokai. She is oblivious to danger and she tends to be very clingy when it comes to Kuro. Kotoko is a self-centered, unrepentant prankster, who enjoys poking fun at others' expense, and is also a bit of a pervert. She is also shown to have a rather childish demeanor whenever she feels she is not given enough attention or proper treatment, which is aimed especially at Kuro, to whom she can be very pushy.Contrasting with her mischief belies a cunning individual, well worth her epithet of "Goddess of Wisdom", demonstrating a calculating intelligence that borders in almost diabolical precision and frighteningly acute. Although she is a terrible liar to her peers, she is a highly manipulative, convincing liar while at work, being able to fool both ancient yokai and a multitude of online fanatics with terrifying accuracy.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Kotoko had lived a life a privilege, but she didn't feel normal or that this life ever really belonged to her. She was seen as strange, always seeing doors opening when they were shut closed, weird sounds in her home and voices she couldn't make out. She always felt like she was being watched, but she didn't know why or by who. Kotoko was sheltered and didn't have a lot of friends, especially being a prominent family in Belfiore they were always afraid something bad would happen to her if they allowed her to go out and meet other children her age.At the young age of 11, Kotoko Iwanaga was abducted by someone who wished to hurt her family. They used her as ransom and advised if they didn't give them money they would send parts of her body back to her family. They held onto her for two weeks and during that time she had lost an eye and her leg, but something else had happened that day. Being so close to death made her see the world in a different light. The ghost that would once knock on her door were right in front of her.In order to avoid her from dying, the yokai had made a pact with her if she would do their bidding they would save her life. Without hesitation, she agreed to be the mediator between the spirit and human worlds. After the pact was made, she was left in the park on a bench where she was later found. It made national news with Belfiore and her captor appeared to never be found. She never question if the scenario was relative with one another, but it made her appreciative and gave her a new and exciting reason to live.Whenever yokai wish for their problems to be solved, they make their way to Kotoko for consultation. She is still a rather strange girl and it had only gotten more so since the sacrifice she made. Unlike most humans, she could see them and interact with them in a way that others can’t. Whenever there are yokais that don’t obey her, she searches to triumph over them to restore a balance between their world and the human. It makes it difficult to interact with people the same way as she’s been desensitized to quite a bit — but she’s still searching for her match and hopes to have a regular life to some extent.Aside from her new fascination, she had grown intriguied by a man she had met during a Valentines speed dating event. Tsukishima Kei. So much so that she would often go to his place of work to find him with the intention of getting this man to marry her; however, it's clearly evident that her advances are one sided, but she still doesn't try to give up on getting this man to notice her in a more romantic light.

Tsukishima Kei

Relationship Status: In progress.

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Kougyoku Ren

ೃ⁀➷ Name: Kougyoku Ren.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 21.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Human.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: Dragon Wings.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Store Owner: The Vintage Genie.
ೃ⁀➷ Character Quote: "And you! It's not that I'm leaving because you told me to. Got it?!"ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Kougyoku's greatest charm is her wealth of facial expressions that convey the various changes in her heart. She tends to act childishly, but there are times when Kougyoku, as the stubborn imperial princess, wears a cold mask in order to overwhelm her opponents at the scenes of diplomacy. Even though she puts up such a willful front, she is actually a very lonely person and wants friends. She had always wanted to have friends and close companions, but within her family, she has felt ostracized because of her parentage; instead, she occupied herself with becoming skilled at kemari by herself, playing make-believe by herself, doing a fashion show by herself, etc. . . Kougyoku, who was anxious to have a place for herself due to having a complicated lineage, discovers the meaning to her own existence as a soldier. She fights, willingly risking her life for her important people. She holds a pride greater than anyone else. It is as though it is a way for her to confirm her personal sense of existenceೃ⁀➷ Biography: Kougyoku has lived a l o n e in Belfiore with no real name for herself here. She has always felt ousted by her family and hasn't really had a chance to be close with anyone, especially in friendship. As she had grown older, she had found herself becoming more creative in making a name for herself. She decided to open a little shop called The Vintage Genie, but since it focused on knick-knacks and old items it only drew the attention of older people. Hardly did it ever give her the ability to meet people her own age and anytime she does, she somehow drives them away or is too shy to take initiative. She's hoping to break out of her shell and even find love one day, but she knows this is the life she is destined to live.

Kyo Sohma

ೃ⁀➷ Name: Kyo Sohma
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Fruits Basket.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 20.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Male.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Human.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: White Fang.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Student.
ೃ⁀➷ Character Quote: "The thing is, if she didn't love all of me, that would've been fine. Or even if she were scared, I'd get that. Because being scared would've meant she was looking at the ugly part of me. But she never did."ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Kyo is a very short-tempered, stubborn, brash, and sharp-tongued person. He is also viewed as charismatic and wears his emotions on his sleeves, which causes people to gather around him, and it also allows Kyo to socialize with outsiders with ease. However, he rarely displays this ability, and rough actions and insensitive remarks are sometimes the only things that come out. Kyo is also quite violent and self-sacrificing, and will frequently end up shouting at people, even people he cares about. This behavior of his is a defensive mechanism to hide the pain he has suffered, and he also doesn't want to hurt people and is afraid of making people unhappy if they get close to him. He tries to keep people at arm's length and even resorts to hurting them so they leave him alone because almost everyone in his life has hurt and pitied him so much that he is tired of it.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Kyo had a very isolated childhood and was rarely let out from his house by his excessively overprotective mother, since she was afraid of Kyo's true form being seen. According to Kyo, she would always cover up her fear of his true form by displaying her motherly love, a love he did not appreciate. She would also check that his beads were intact dozens of times every day. Due to his position as the Cat, Kyo was despised, pitied, and isolated from the other Sohmas, and served the purpose of being the scapegoat for the Zodiacs. While Kyo was resented by the Sohma family, so was his mother, and her husband emotionally and verbally abused her for giving birth to Kyo, for loving him, and for apparently ruining his life. During these moments, she would seek comfort in Kyo. Eventually, the inability to confide in anyone, the abuse she received from her husband, and the shame of having Kyo as a son and the strain of protecting him, led to Kyo's mother committing suicide by jumping in front of a moving train.During her funeral, almost every member of the Sohma family blamed the five-year-old Kyo for his mother's death, including his father. Because of this, Kyo grew very vengeful and did not shed a single tear at his mother's funeral. He also blamed Yuki for the incident, and threatened that he would kill Yuki and then kill himself to make his father satisfied. Kazuma Sohma, who noticed the absurdity of this treatment and remembered how the last Cat, his grandfather, was treated by the family, took Kyo in. Having the first person to ever understand his struggles made Kyo break down in tears.In contrast to his mother and biological father, Kyo was well taken care of by Kazuma and was shown the "outside world". At some point, Kyo began calling Kazuma "Shishou" since none of his students referred to him as much. Kazuma also began training Kyo in martial arts to teach him discipline, and to help Kyo become stronger in his life knowing it will be so difficult being cursed by the cat. The two bonded over their sessions together, and Kyo finally found something he was passionate about. Hatsuharu Sohma, who had begun training martial arts to relieve his anger, occasionally trained martial arts with Kyo in the Sohma dojo.Kyo received a normal education, and went to the same school as the other Zodiacs, including Momiji and Hatsuharu. However, he still hated his position as the Cat and blamed all of his misfortune on the Rat, Yuki Sohma. During one of the Sohma's annual banquets, Yuki heard about Kyo, who isn't part of the Zodiac and therefore cannot join in the banquet. When Yuki sneaked out to meet Kyo and attempted to befriend him, Kyo harshly shouted that he hated Yuki, that his very existence had brought misfortune to him, and that he would be better off dead.At some point, Kyo received a hat he chose as a present from Kazuma. When he was out walking with his father, his hat was blown away in the wind. When he went to find it, he saw that it was already in Yuki's hand. Yuki attempted to give it back, but Kyo refused since he didn't want to touch anything Yuki had touched, and returned back to Kazuma's side. Throughout the years, he continued to be a “problem child” in school and around his peers. It became so bad to the point that his Father tried to take him back so he could be sent to the Cat Room. He knew what would happen and eventually ran from home believing that no one could help him with his fate. As he found himself in the pit of Belfiore, he found a new home that he could be a part of where he can remain hidden, fearing the day he would be found and sent away to spend eternity in a chamber.Even as of today, he’s still trying to get by life going to school at Belfiore Academy and hiding who he truly is.

Tohru Honda

Relationship Status: Planned/In progress.

This love is like fire and ice — this love is like rain and blue skies. This love is like sun on the rise. This love got me rolling the dice. Don't let me lose — still falling for you.

Kyouko Hori

ೃ⁀➷ Name: Kyouko Hori.
ೃ⁀➷ Verse/World: Horimiya.
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 21.
ೃ⁀➷ Gender: Female.
ೃ⁀➷ Sexual Preference: Heterosexual.
ೃ⁀➷ Race: Human.
ೃ⁀➷ Guild: N/A.
ೃ⁀➷ Occupation: Student at Belfiore Academy.
ೃ⁀➷ Character's quote: "Everyone has a side of themselves they don’t want no one to see.."ೃ⁀➷ Personality: Kyoko is normally a very energetic and popular person who always creates a happy atmosphere around herself. She is a hard-worker in all aspects of her life, and, according to Izumi Miyamura, she scores above 90% for all her tests. When nervous or embarrassed, she tends to switch to a violent state. This is seen when her father asks if Miyamura was her boyfriend, resulting in her turning red and shoving a hot ladle into his face.When she does ear cleaning, nail clipping or massaging, she does it aggressively, which makes her feared by her family, her friends, and Miyamura. Miyamura has also mentioned in chapter―that a q-tip looks like a weapon with considerable offense when Hori wields it.Hori is somewhat of a masochist- however this is only when it comes to Miyamura. Whenever he suddenly flips his personality to that of an abusive boyfriend for a short while (at her request), Hori enjoys the treatment and feels refreshed afterward. This is probably due to the fact that Miyamura is always calm and non-abusive.She is also shown to be very jealous when girls are flirting with Miyamura to the point where Yuki and Toru call her "Ice Queen". IN some parts of the manga, she is also referred to as "Hannya" or the "Goddess of Jealousy". Over the course of the story, she does not seem to be too bothered with girls talking to Miyamura anymore but instead, worries that he might love a man. She once told him that it's okay to love another woman but not a man.ೃ⁀➷ Biography: Kyouko was abandoned by her Parents in her teens, leaving her to care for her little brother all on her own. For the longest time she had to hide that they were alone in fear they would take her little brother away and put him into foster care. She knew if the truth was learned of her too, she’d find herself in the system along with him. By the time she reached the age of 18, she was able to get a small place to care for the both of them, but it didn’t take long afterwards to learn that she didn’t have custody of her brother and the Parents were missing. She was devastated the day that she had lost him and would have to usually search the Foster system just to see her brother — and with the way it was poorly handled, she eventually lost him. It wasn’t something she wanted to give up on. She managed to work odd jobs to make ends meet and go to school in the process, but she didn’t live a popular life like the one she lived before finding herself in Belfiore. What used to be practical now came to a crashing end. She’s still holding out hope that she would find him again so they can be a family.

Izumi Miyamura

Relationship Status: Planned/In progress.

When I got you right where I want you. I been pushing for this for so long. Kiss me, just once, for luck. These are desperate measures now.I can't let this, I can't let this go. Forever, for worse or better — my poor heart will only surrender.